Best Hotels in New York City

When looking for a place to stay in New York City, there are several top picks. T+L’s weekly newsletters always feature “best of” lists that highlight the best hotels in the city. These awards reflect the high standards and experiences of hotel guests. In addition to providing the best amenities and service, these hotels also feature a number of perks, including spa services, room service, and other luxury amenities. Read on to discover which ones are right for you.

best hotels

Some of the top New York City hotels include the Carlyle, a Rosewood hotel that has long been a favorite with T+L readers. The TWA Hotel, a landmark terminal at JFK Airport, pays tribute to the 1960s golden age of air travel. T+L editors’ picks include the Beekman and Roxy Hotels, both in the Financial District. A few T+L staff members also offer their personal recommendations and insights.

If you’re visiting New York City, it’s impossible to decide which of these hotels is right for you. The best New York City hotels are scattered throughout the city, and some are located in the poshest parts of the city. Some of the best choices are located in the Upper East Side, while others are in midtown. If you’re looking for a hotel with a central location, try the Carlyle, a Rosewood classic. There are also dozens of five-star options in Manhattan, and 76 boutique properties.

The Franklin Guesthouse, a 30 suite hotel in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, is owned by the same people who own the Box Hotel and the Henry Norman Hotel. The rooms feature a loft-style layout and marble bathrooms. The interiors are decorated with unique art and are fully stocked. The decor is described as Scandinavian, and many customers laud the staff’s service. The staff is friendly and welcoming, and the rooms are well-designed for the New Yorker.

Some of the best New York City hotels include the Lowell and the Carlyle, both of which are considered iconic. The TWA Hotel in the financial district is the third-best hotel in the city. Those who want to stay in a more modern hotel should consider the boutique properties. The Beekman, for example, is a boutique hotel. Its unique style makes it the perfect place for a romantic weekend getaway. The storied Beekman, meanwhile, is the best hotel in the city for families.

The Franklin Guesthouse is a 30-suite hotel in Greenpoint. The Franklin Guesthouse is owned by the same people behind the Box Hotel and the Henry Norman Hotel. The rooms are spacious and have hardwood floors. The bathrooms are marble, and the rooms have unique art. The hotel is described as Scandinavian, and many of its customers praise the service. For romantic couples, the TWA Hotel is the perfect choice. For families traveling to the Big Apple, the Beekman is a must-see.