The Best Hotels In London For Couples

When the best hotels in Europe are discussed, many people invariably bring up the famous hotel Arlo. It is a relatively new hotel that is located not in the heart of the city, but rather in the outlying part of the town. Although it does not yet have the same status as the more established and renowned names, it nevertheless has its own fans, who give it great reviews. So, what makes Arlo stand out from other hotels in this category?

best hotels

The first thing that should come to mind when talking about the best hotels in Europe is how good the amenities are. Arlo is one of those brands which offers guests rooms that are equipped with all the modern facilities that are required by guests during their stay in this hotel. It has a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, gym and even a golf course. Guests can order their meals and drinks at the restaurant while enjoying the relaxing outdoor views from their private balconies.

A major reason why Arlo is considered one of the best hotels in Europe for its quality of service is that the hotel has a large number of rooms that have great views. Some of these rooms also have their own balconies, which offer a great view of the city and the surrounding countryside. The hotel also provides free local transportation to the various destinations. In short, the guests do not need to worry about transportation during their stay in Arlo. Another advantage is that all rooms have cable TV so that they can catch up on their favorite shows.

Many people compare luxury hotels in other parts of the world with Arlo, and wonder if it is possible to get similar services for such a high price. This is not entirely true; the hotel has managed to impress its guests with their attention to detail. Whether it is a romantic stroll along the river or a sumptuous meal in the dining room, guests at Arlo will be pleased with every minute of their stay.

Another luxury hotel in London that has impressed both business travelers and romantic singles alike is Covent Garden’s Regent Palace. Located close to the heart of the city, Regent Palace offers fantastic views of the Thames and the surrounding gardens. It also has some of the best hotels in Europe, and even more than the best hotels in New York and Tokyo combined. Regent Palace is particularly suited to families with small children, as it does not have very high ceilings. All rooms have televisions with built-in libraries, and there are also study spaces in each bedroom.

If you prefer luxury with urban flair, then you should try Covent Garden’s trendy Upper Street. This is the place where many couples go for coffee or dinner during the day, and where they can enjoy a show in the evening. It is also a good place for business travelers, as the area has a lot of top-end shops. For those couples who prefer staying closer to the heart of the city, Whitianga is an excellent choice, as it is a quieter residential neighborhood with plenty of boutiques and cafes.