World Travel by Anthony Bourdain

world travel

If you’re interested in traveling the world, you’ve probably heard that there are several advantages to taking a cruise. These cruises are usually cheaper than classic cruises, because they’re taken during changing seasons. In addition, you’ll get better value for your money since cruise lines often offer one-way tickets. Another way to save money while traveling the world is by taking a rail journey instead of a plane. Many rail passes offer around the world travel.

Though World Travel was delayed by production costs, many people are optimistic about the safety of COVID-19. Although it contains stories and travel tips from Bourdain, the book is also packed with a lot of information about places that are rarely featured in mainstream Western media. This includes stories and recommendations about the best places to visit and the best things to do in each place. And since Bourdain is a famous storyteller, his advice and experiences have become part of the book.