The Future of World Travel

From awe-inspiring temples and soaring mountain peaks to gastronomic feasts and backcountry hiking, the world offers travellers an ever-growing array of experiences. The future of travel looks even more exciting: Concepts that feel plucked from sci-fi novels and films are transforming every facet of the experience, from autonomous taxis to passenger drones and biometric immigration tunnels.

A new generation is redefining travel as a form of education and cultural exchange, seeking immersive and authentic experiences in an increasingly globalised world. It is a burgeoning sector, with booming interest in the arts (including the visual and performing) and adventure travel (such as soaring over the jungle canopy or exploring a remote canyon). It also encompasses specialised areas like wellness, which is increasingly recognised as a core component of overall health.

Travelers are more aware than ever of the impact they can have, and are focusing on ways to leave behind a positive footprint. Whether by helping to preserve local ecosystems or supporting local communities, travellers want to have a meaningful impact on the places they visit. The question is, what are the best ways to do that?

Whether zip-lining over a jungle canopy in Peru, successfully bartering for the best price in the traditional markets of Marrakech or taking a safari drive in East Africa, it is easy to see why many consider adventures as the most valuable travel experiences. It’s as if we are hardwired for the thrill of adventure, and travel is one of the most potent ways to tap into that.

In a crowded field, the standouts of 2024 are those that offer unforgettable and authentic experiences. Whether it is a hike to a hidden cave in the Colorado River or witnessing the rare sight of lemurs interacting at the Baobab trees of Madagascar, these are experiences that will last a lifetime.

The simplest way to explore the globe by air is through an around-the-world ticket. These are offered by airline alliances, which allow you to fly with different airlines and pay for all the flights in a single transaction. For a typical itinerary, start in London and fly via Istanbul, Dubai, Bangkok, Sydney, Los Angeles and New York to return to your starting point.

This is a hugely popular option, and for good reason. It’s a cost-effective way to cover a lot of ground and allows you to tick off the world’s most sought-after destinations in one go, ranging from the awe-inspiring Angkor Wat to Tanzania’s wildlife rich plains. And with the resurgence of the private jet, this type of trip is now more accessible than ever before. For example, National Geographic Expeditions is offering a 23-night trip by private jet to the Orient and Africa that includes a trip to the Sahara and the Giza pyramids from PS77,100 per person. Alternatively, Black Tomato’s See You in the Moment series offers a selection of over 35 itineraries from 10 March to 29 October with departure dates across the year.